Fútastova i Tórshavn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, Gongin, 100, Tórshavn, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 411300
internet side: futastova.fo
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Latitude: 62.009184, Longitude: -6.7696809

kommentar 5

  • Uroš - Valentino Saraja

    Uroš - Valentino Saraja


    Restaurant with a great view on the marina and the bay. Interior is very contemporary and with French traditional influences, very romantic. The three course menu is a good choice. We were choosing the seafood options as they are locally acquired, unlike meat options, and of excellent quality. The dishes were excellent and service was good. Staff is very polite.

  • Lauri Hyttinen

    Lauri Hyttinen


    Excellent food and service.

  • Jimmy Ye

    Jimmy Ye


    Had the four course menu, presentation was amazing and the food was even better. The salad of goat cheese and nuts was unexpectedly delicious!

  • en

    Alistair Currie


    The food was very good, as others have said the service can be a bit slow. We had the 5 course menu which was very good. Unfortunately our last course took around 50 minutes to appear. The main course portion was huge and we only ate about half of the sides in order to leave room for the next two courses. If I was to go back I'd suggest going for the 3 course menu which is more than enough food!

  • Stefan Andersson

    Stefan Andersson


    The food was delivious but the service lacking. Also, breadcrumbs on dirty tables and dirty laserprinted menus; for the high price (300DKK for the daily dish) I would have expected more attention.

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