Guesthouse Marknagil i Tórshavn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FærøerneGuesthouse Marknagil



🕗 åbningstider

1, Janusargøta, 100, Tórshavn, FO Färöer
kontakter telefon: +298 605010
internet side:
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Latitude: 62.0073, Longitude: -6.800036

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jax Doling


    Not recommended to visit. They murder thousands and thousands of whales and dolphins. The whale meat is so contaminated with mercury as is very dangerous to ones health. They feed their whale meat to unsuspecting visitors passing it off as something else. I strongly think people should not vacation here

  • Jacob Johnsen

    Jacob Johnsen


    Nice place, 2 km walk from Tòrshavn harbour, great view of the City. Service is tops, and included breakfast is faboulous.

  • en

    Robin Bakker


    The people are very nice and helpful! They give you tips for activities etc. Sadly my room didn't lock, but I've got a new one which did. The breakfast is free and extremely luxe! Lots of choice and very fresh food. Wifi is only available in the lounge, but if you have a small network cable: there is an ethernet port in each room. I would really recommend staying here!

  • Derek Gilbert

    Derek Gilbert


    This place is literally a college dorm. Zero insulation so you hear everything including the ridiculously loud doors, our shower didn't drain so you stand in 2" of water by the end, the bed is horridly uncomfortable (and serves dual role as a couch), no wifi other than lobby. Ridiculously overpriced for what you get - which isn't much. Stay clear!!!

  • et

    Andres Palumaa


    Linnaservas asuv kooli ühiselamu. Kahesed toad, suur söögisaal, kus pakutakse hommikusööki.

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