Skansin i Tórshavn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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0, Yviri við Strond, Tórshavn, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298
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Latitude: 62.0079831, Longitude: -6.7632137

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jax Doling


    Horrible place where sick devil people murder thousands of whales and dolphins

  • Lauri Hyttinen

    Lauri Hyttinen


    Nice lookout point. Was very muddy due to weather.

  • Patrick Kazimierczyk

    Patrick Kazimierczyk


    Nice place to relax when the weather is good. Unfortunately not the best view to the old houses of Tiganes since the harbour is in the way. Historical place with information in English and German. If you are into cannons this place ist a must.

  • en

    Brandon Sweat


    Neat place

  • Sigmundur Thorsteinsson

    Sigmundur Thorsteinsson


    A nice place by the harbor where you can enjoy the scenery and the relic canons from WW2.

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