Á Giljanes Hostel & Campsite i Sandavágur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FærøerneÁ Giljanes Hostel & Campsite


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Sandavágur, Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298
internet side: www.giljanes.fo
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Latitude: 62.0474711, Longitude: -7.1630512

kommentar 5

  • Елена Гонтарь

    Елена Гонтарь


    Very comfortable camping! Clean and good equipped kitchen.

  • Agne Baneviciute

    Agne Baneviciute


    Great atmosphere, comfy and cosy. Loved the cat Felix :-)

  • Christian Duckert Birkedal

    Christian Duckert Birkedal


    Fantastic place. The owner is OUTSTANDING serviceminded, The beds are clean, and The view is PERFECT. Very cheep and number one hostel On The faroe Islands.

  • en

    Robin Bakker


    The public lounge room and the kitchen is very great! Sadly the twin room I had was really small and the twopersons bed was really small. But it was a really cheap room ans stayed for only 1 night so not a big problem. However, the toilets and showers can't be locked. And the room I stayed in looked like they were still building it (not yet painted wood, etc.)

  • Procheta Dutta

    Procheta Dutta


    A value for money campsite. It's near the airport and the facilities are good. I liked their kitchen...its spacious with all amenities. The bus stop is a short walk away. The campsite is clean and the owner Kristjan is very helpful and friendly.

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