Burn Fitness i Tórshavn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FærøerneBurn Fitness



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8 Niels Finsensgøta, 100,, Tórshavn, Wyspy Owcze
kontakter telefon: +298 299900
internet side: www.burn.fo
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 62.0112043, Longitude: -6.7732162

kommentar 5

  • da

    Allan Thorup Andersen


    Super lækkert træningscenter 😀😀😀

  • Sigmundur Thorsteinsson

    Sigmundur Thorsteinsson


    Nice and modern fitness center. There is a machine for just about every workout that you need (treadmill, bikes, stairs, rowing and various others), and many are outfitted with screens to track your progress online and include the option for entertainment (such as netflix and sudoku). The changing room is nice, and includes smart lockers, but the room is quite small. Can quickly get crowded at specific hours.

  • Tom Vinge

    Tom Vinge


    One of the best gyms ever. They have it all💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  • Carsten Holm

    Carsten Holm


    Gratis kaffe og vand til din sandwich. Lækker brunch.

  • en

    David Gershman


    This is a 5-star, world class gym. On a set of Islands that initially gave me the impression that there wouldn't be a three-story gym with full-set free weights, just about every machine imaginable, and hot tubs in the locker room, I was mistaken! As an American, I've never been a part of a more exciting fitness center in my life. Super clean, extremely vibrant, the staff are so friendly and accommodating, and the patrons are affable as can be. I'm on the Faroe Islands for work but spent 4 hours at Burn yesterday because it was that compelling. Can't wait to go back today.

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