Flughafen Vágar i Sørvágur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FærøerneFlughafen Vágar


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Sørvágur 380, Färöer
kontakter telefon: +298 354400
internet side: www.fae.fo
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 62.0633297, Longitude: -7.27546

kommentar 5

  • Sigmundur Thorsteinsson

    Sigmundur Thorsteinsson


    A decent modern airport. The airport is small, but that's to be expected, and the parking lot is a bit confusing to navigate at times. Inside you'll find a small cafeteria, a check-in counter, and counters for car-rentals. There are few seating areas, so during busy hours many people will be forced to stand. For ticket holders, the inside, after passing the security check, holds a bigger area with a tax free shop, a cafe, a waiting area and tables with plugs for charging your electronic devices.

  • it

    Davide Cavallasca


    Questo aeroporto mai visto , sara' piccolissimo in pieno oceano atlantico . Isola del regno unito

  • Carl Aviation

    Carl Aviation


    Hub of Atlantic Airways.. that explains everything.

  • en

    Kai Unbekannt


    Friendly small airport. Tidy terminal, well-lit, exactly the right size for the traffic numbers. Ample duty-free shop.

  • beergal hkwriter

    beergal hkwriter


    friendly people, 2 cafes, 1 duty free area, bus and taxi stations, car park. the one and only runway with amazing mountain view, outside it's also surrounded by mountains and you can see a waterfall. small but great airport.

nærmeste Lufthavn

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