Gasadalur i Gásadalur

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Gásadalsvegur, Gásadalur, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298
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Latitude: 62.1060355, Longitude: -7.4348705

kommentar 5

  • Karl Peter Andersen

    Karl Peter Andersen


    Very pitoresque place to visit

  • Sara Loo

    Sara Loo


    What a beautiful, unique spot!

  • en



    We walked from Sørvágur to the waterfall, stopping at Bøur along the way. There isn't a pedestrian path, so we followed the road and with only four of us, we found that the journey was very accessible. Arriving at Gasaladur, the landscape that surrounded the waterfall was very picturesque. There was also a viewing spot that faced onto the waterfall, which was convenient for taking photos at. If you have a day to spare it is worth going to.

  • Weekend Roady

    Weekend Roady


    Really one of the most stunning views on Earth. I had a picture of this place as my desktop background at work for years and promised myself I'd get out there sometime. A funky and dark little one-way tunnel takes you out there and back. Very close to the airport so worth seeing right away if the weather looks good. We were lucky to have a mostly sunny view that day!

  • Nikole Z.

    Nikole Z.


    Stunning! Will never forget this view as long as I live. Easy hike to the look out point. No guard rails so be careful, especially if small children.

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