Gjaargardur Guesthouse Gjogv i Gjogv

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FærøerneGjaargardur Guesthouse Gjogv


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Dalavegur 20, Gjógv FO-476, Gjogv, Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 423171
internet side: www.gjaargardur.fo
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Latitude: 62.3252721, Longitude: -6.9495928

kommentar 5

  • en



    Ate lunch here. They had soup of the day (68 kr) and lunchplate (148 kr) with a mixture of lamp and fish items

  • en

    Eugene Teo


    Good chicken soup, pancakes and carrot cake. Needed that after a Long drive.

  • en

    Diogo Silva Romera


    Nice place to stay, the old rooms are in need of renovations but it clean and the people there are very friendly and helpful the food is a bit expensive compared to other places but if you have to drive to another village to eat it is better to stay there, the food is simple but good.

  • en



    Nice place. Very clean and tidy. Good food, not too expensive - buffet breakfast and a set meal dinner. Dinner is quite early though - about 6pm. Bit of a monopoly in town really. Great views from the rooms on the rear annexe. Wifi. Parking. Small shop selling maps, souvenirs and other "essentials". Fits in very well with the surroundings.

  • Rachid



    Exceptional guest house. The double deluxe rooms facing the water go quickly so reserve early! The rest of the rooms are great and very clean as well. The owner and staff are immensely helpful and nice, and they prepare an amazing dinner that changes each night. Breakfast is included and won’t leave you hungry. We went off season and there were lots of guests so plan early if you want to stay there. We were not disappointed!

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