Hon+Hann i Tórshavn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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23, R.C. Effersøes gøta, 100, Tórshavn, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 532222
internet side: honhann.fo
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Latitude: 62.0128673, Longitude: -6.7723549

kommentar 3

  • da

    Bogi Dam


  • Gunnar Johildarson

    Gunnar Johildarson


    Very good service. High quality cloths. Returned one pair of jeans, and the staff was very helpful and gave full refund.

  • en

    Marni Joensen


    Purchased 2 pairs of pants. Liked one of them and was not so happy with the other. So I went to the store to return them. I talked to a guy over the phone and said I could come back with them. When I got to the store I asked if I could get my money back and she said yes I can. And as she was processing my return the owner (As I perceived it) came and said that he was the one that talked to me and that they would not give me my money back but would give me store credit. I had not warn the pants, I had the original receipt and the tags had not been removed from the cloths. I then said that I would not come back to the store if I could not get my money back. He then in return just turned around with out saying nothing and went to the back. I would NOT recommend going to this store and purchasing anything from them.

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