JUST DRIVE - Airport car rental i Sørvágur

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FærøerneJUST DRIVE - Airport car rental



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8, Flogvøllurin, 380, Sørvágur, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 591011
internet side: www.justdrive.fo
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Latitude: 62.067459, Longitude: -7.278238

kommentar 5

  • Konstantin Zagaynov

    Konstantin Zagaynov


    Excellent and flexible service, great new cars. Mikael and his team were always reachable and quick to answer any of our questions. Mikael even offered to pick up a car at convenient for us location during the last day. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Sofus Koba


    Fantastic experience! Great cars, prices and service

  • en

    Emma Svensson


    I got excellent service. Rented a car in Faroe Islands for two days and could pick it up at the airport instead of having to take a shuttle bus somewhere. When I forgot something in the car by returning it they made sure I got my item when I boarded the plane, no one else would give this service. I´m really happy and would rent again. The car was brand new and great!

  • en

    Einar J. s. Hansen


    We used Just Drive FO for our business trip in 2017. Quality of service is excellent, cars are new and clean, rental manager greeted us at the gate. Absolutely worth the money.

  • en

    Hazel Jane Lyons


    I rented through Just Drive last month and couldn't recommend Michael highly enough! Brand new cars, pick up and return at Vagar airport on demand, competitive rates and one of the few companies with automatic cars available. Same insurance coverage as with the majors but their fleets are tired - Just Drive offers brand new cars, larger than the tiny little death traps 69North was offering and at more competitive rates. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Just Drive and will rebook with them on my return trip next summer!

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