Sirkus Bar i Tórshavn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FærøerneSirkus Bar



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2, Gríms Kambansgøta, 100, Tórshavn, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 323135
internet side:
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Latitude: 62.0095808, Longitude: -6.7732832

kommentar 5

  • Melanie Garrison

    Melanie Garrison


    Slow service but the veggie burger was really delicious!

  • Rajgopal Mirmira

    Rajgopal Mirmira


    They have some really good draft beer on the tap and we really enjoyed the DIPA. Be careful with the billing though. We ordered 2 beers, which was for about $24 but they had charged us $41. When we called back,they said it was a mistake and they can only return the money if we go back to the bar with the card in person. Obviously we didn't see it on the credit card statement until it was posted and we couldn't go back. The Indian food upstairs is also kinda trash, you are better of ordering something from their regular menu.

  • en

    Raj Mirmira


    They have some really good draft beer on the tap and we really enjoyed the DIPA. Be careful with the billing though. We ordered 2 beers, which was for about $24 but they had charged us $41. When we called back,they said it was a mistake and they can only return the money if we go back to the bar with the card in person. Obviously we didn't see it on the credit card statement until it was posted and we couldn't go back. The Indian food upstairs is also kinda trash, you are better of ordering something from their regular menu.

  • Toni Ilola

    Toni Ilola


    Lovely place in 3 floors near harbour. Good selection of local beers and a lot choices to eat. Food quality is good and priceisvery reasonable! Staff is also very nice, helpful and flexible. Place looks bit shady outside and not so welcoming but on first glance but it is actually very cozy and comfortable with good music playing on background.

  • Christian Duckert Birkedal

    Christian Duckert Birkedal


    The cozy’est bar On The faroe Islands. Very colorful and unique. Great atmosphere.

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