Vestmanna Camping i Vestmanna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FærøerneVestmanna Camping



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Fjarðavegur 1, Vestmanna 350, Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 212245
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Latitude: 62.153018, Longitude: -7.1475829

kommentar 5

  • Daniela Thiel

    Daniela Thiel


    Not a good place!!!!! The people there stick to their tradition, the slaughter of the Pilot whales. They are well on the way to eradicating these social, intelligent sea-mammals. Whole families are slaughtered. The islands are now no longer dependent on this food. Whale meat is so heavily contaminated with toxic substances that even the Faroese health authorities warned to eat this. The people there are not interested in it .... They kill the animals out of pure pleasure, get into a complete blood rush ... Laugh and dance in the blood red colored sea. If you go to the Faroe Islands, you support this cruelty.

  • en

    Uschi Lampert


    Camping with whaling, that's what I call advertising for a holiday destination! I assume that the campsites are right next to the bay, where the whales are slaughtered and the sea is so beautiful red ....

  • Christine Strittmatter

    Christine Strittmatter


    As long as whales are due to being killed in this land I will never visit this land.

  • en

    Tina Schmidt


    On an Island, where only in 2017 more than 1700 whales and Dolphins were killed for a socalled Tradition, nobody should spend his holidays. These whales are killed for nothing but fun in the most barbaric Way. Don't visit the faroes. Stop the killing! Even faeroese doctors warn that the meat is not suitable for consumption as highly contaminated with environmental toxins.

  • Procheta Dutta

    Procheta Dutta


    The place is an hour from Tróshavn, so personal conveyance is a must. The campsite and facilities are good.

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