Hostel Kerjalon i Thorshavn

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FærøerneHostel Kerjalon


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Oyggjavegur 49, Thorshavn 100, Færøerne
kontakter telefon: +298 318900
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Latitude: 62.0125177, Longitude: -6.8016478

kommentar 5

  • M. A. H.

    M. A. H.


    Nice hostel, although a little far from the city centre and there's no public transport passing by. Dorms were really comfy, but unfortunately there was only one power outlet per room, so you had to wait a bit to charge your phone or laptop. Kitchen and common room were clean and well equipped and for those travelling with a motorized vehicle there's ample free parking onsite. I would definitely stay there again.

  • it

    Dai Thang Vien


    Nulla di ché

  • P Kaitz

    P Kaitz


    Alright so how to segue into this. There's this Norwegian guy, Olaf or something. They have this way of speaking; I haven't quite identified it but it's a drawing-out, almost sibilant quality to the aspirated consonants. It's so sensual you just want to keep them talking. I have to concentrate here. It's an imaginary conversation. I'm looking at this guy's arms. First his face: all angles, all chisels. Then his arms, his veins. He's a medical student, 27, in his last year. I should anonymize this but I probably have the name wrong anyway.  In conversation, if you want to know about somebody, if you want to know them, you want to be noticed, so you imagine them asking about the very qualities of theirs that interest you, which in this case is this guy's arms. I imagine him noticing my arms, the discoloration where I hit myself. (In real life this doesn't happen, and medical professionals are early inured to physical imperfection.) Still, he stares and asks, and I say "meth, not opiates". "Do you think that meth is better?" He would mean, is it less bad. It's funny cause that's so obvious. "Yes, you don't recover from opiates." What is said next doesn't matter because the utility of language here expires. You've got his attention. Although it is not likely to provide him the same stimulus. For me it's a type of transference, from thoughts of sex to thoughts of drugs. Whereas when I was using, drugs fantasies would have precedes thoughts about sex.  That's what's so interesting, that I'm not thinking about drugs as a gateway to sex. I am thinking about sex, and when provided an object, I still make the association, but it's like that latent residual urge to smoke that's invoked by the activity you acquired to replace it. The association eventually drops off entirely with continued disuse. At any rate this is the line of thinking I present myself in answer to the unstated question in the imaginary conversation above. It's absolutely sincere. If I have a really strong desire for someone, the only way I can express it is in the avowal of some weakness or flaw in myself. Counterintuitively, I feel that draws attention to my strength, like self-deprecation or false modesty.

  • ko

    Min Park


    가격이 좋음 케리어 가지고있으면 공항 왔다갔다할때 택시타는거 추천

  • Shawn Beck

    Shawn Beck



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