Hotel Klaksvik i Klaksvík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FærøerneHotel Klaksvik


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Klaksvík, Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 455333
internet side:
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Latitude: 62.2282803, Longitude: -6.5947193

kommentar 5

  • Viktoria Gisladottir

    Viktoria Gisladottir


    Nice, clean and feel at home. Everyone kind and friendly. Beautiful view from my room.

  • en



    Nice enough. Quite "institutional" looking on the outside and the feeling continues inside in the decor The staff are friendly enough though I didn't see much of them. The rooms are clean and large and free wifi. Very large TV! Breakfast is the usual buffet style. Plenty of parking

  • Camila Mainetti

    Camila Mainetti


    I liked the hotel. Spacious room, good bed, good bathroom. Easy parking. Breakfast very good. All excellent for two Brazilians traveling alone to a distant place. Distant and beautiful!

  • Pauli Mikkelsen

    Pauli Mikkelsen


    A Terrible Hotel.. Rooms are bad, service is bad and the food is just lame.. A thing to keep in mind also, is that the owner of the hotel, goes in to your rooms, while your out of the rooms, and looks through your luggage, to check if you have anything that he dont want people to bring in the hotel..

  • Erik B

    Erik B


    Hotel is located in the second largest city on the Faroe islands, it's great to have this hotel as a homebase. Because from here you can go in a lot of different directions. Ferry and helicopter rides are at close proximity and are cheap. Staff is friendly and helpful and the entrance of the hotel makes a good impression. The beds are really comfortable and breakfast is included in the price.

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