Indian Haven i Tórshavn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FærøerneIndian Haven



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11, Tórsgøta, 100, Tórshavn, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 311611
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Latitude: 62.0105963, Longitude: -6.7741108

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jorrit Harssema


    The buffet was good, and for a decent price. Didn't try the dishes on the menu.

  • Mr. Gaming Pants

    Mr. Gaming Pants


    Nice place, with a few tasty options to enjoy. The food here is pretty good, but I would not recommend. This place if you're in the mood for junk food.

  • en

    Keld Gravgaard Hansen


    The meat and the source was very good. But the chips was plain. The redonion relish was seasoned with sinnamon and it did no good. I would suggest that they serve some easy panfried vegetables like carrot, onions, leak, pepper, curliflower and broccoli in stead. It would also have suited the place to searve some crisp fresh bread while waiting for the food.

  • en

    jonathan fritch


    The food is delicious, though the entrance is hard to find, it's to the left of the entrance to the club, it always looks closed but it is open, the service is a bit slow and unorthodox, but perfectly acceptable

  • Stefan Andersson

    Stefan Andersson


    Basic food. We ate buffé there twice. Nothing remarkable.

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