Ræst i Tórshavn

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8, Gongin, 100, Tórshavn, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 411430
internet side: www.raest.one
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Latitude: 62.0091992, Longitude: -6.7699778

kommentar 5

  • en

    Geir Brust


    This restaurant is amazing. Authentic Faroese food, impeccable service. And located in a cosy house/cabin(?) in the middle of the city centre. Wish I could give this a higher rating than 5. Would highly recommend going for the menu served with juice. I'm sure they have a great selection of wines that goes great with every course, but the juice menu was absolutely incredible

  • Rachid



    The food is spectacular. If you’re a foodie—aspiring or full-fledged—you can’t miss this place. From air cured lamb to fermented gooseberries, the tasting menu is local cuisine at its best. Plus the interior is very well decorated and the staff is very nice.

  • en

    Jennie Wike


    Excellent local cuisine. Multi-course meal that had options of pairing with beer or juice. Thanks for the non-alcoholic option! Small space meant personalized one-on-one service with the chef. Little surprises with the meal (yum, waffles!). A lot of food but smaller serving sizes means you walk away comfortably full. Go here if you want a quiet space with local dishes, and don’t mind the set cost.

  • Nick Potter

    Nick Potter


    Really interesting restaurant! Don't let "fermented" put you off as in some dishes it seems more cured than fermented so not sure if its a translation issue. Dried fish with butter instead of bread seemed strange at first but was delicious. All the plates were presented by the chef who is clearly very passionate about his craft and explained all about the fermentation/curing in the food. Very comfortable setting and old photos of the house on the wall add a fascinating backdrop. Try it!

  • Daniel Wilén

    Daniel Wilén


    Very interesting experience and top class service. The beverage menu isn't perfect in my opinion but not bad at all. Not really up to white guide level in my opinion but some courses had a good match. Ask for an akvavit and water to the heavier dishes (the whale and lamb main courses for example). The chef will gladly serve it straight from the bottle.

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