Restaurant Marco Polo i Tórshavn

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FærøerneRestaurant Marco Polo



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12, Sverrisgøta, 100, Tórshavn, FO Faroe Islands
kontakter telefon: +298 313430
internet side:
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Latitude: 62.0108788, Longitude: -6.7736671

kommentar 5

  • Greg Garnich

    Greg Garnich


    Very good food

  • Eddie Jacobsen

    Eddie Jacobsen


    If you are looking for a dive then it's 5 stars if not then you should avoid it and would be 1 or 2 stars.

  • nicole barrentine

    nicole barrentine


    My husband and I dined her last night off the recommendation from our fishing captain whom we had asked for a good local spot. Him and I were both hesitant at first, but we wanted local food. I had zero expectations. However, when the food arrived I was so impressed with the quality and tastiness of the dishes. The bisque was amazing! I had the seafood pasta which was super fresh and flavorful. My husband thoroughly enjoyed his dish as well. This place deserves more attention. It's not the best looking from the inside and out but looks can be deceiving. Anyone traveling to the Faroes should try it!

  • en

    Kai Unbekannt


    Food was generally O.K., but quite expensive - even taking into account the price level on the Faeroe Islands. Staff seemed not to be very enthusiastic in doing their job. Very surprising for the Faeroe's (in a negative manner).

  • en

    Brandon Sweat


    Good main dishes, sub-par dessert. Good atmosphere

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