Koks Restaurant i Leynavatn

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FærøerneKoks Restaurant


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Frammi við Gjónna, Leynavatn, Islas Faroe
kontakter telefon: +298 333999
internet side: www.koks.fo
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Latitude: 62.1366663, Longitude: -7.0220231

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eugene Teo


    Is there a phrase better than “Highly Recommended”? A must visit dining experience in Faroe Islands. Best Part? Quality of food matches with the experience, ambience and view!

  • Gustav Aldor

    Gustav Aldor


    Mucket bra mat och bra service. Tyvärr fallerade servicen mot slutet av kvällen. Rekomenderar starkt ett besök här om man är på Färöarna.

  • en

    Sandieggo Carmen


    This is the first Michelin 🌟 restaurant I've been to... it's a perfect follow-up to the Chef's Table series (if you've ever seen it)! KOKS is located in a pristine, remote place (it's a small adventure to reach it), & the menu items are sourced from local Faroese (often wild/unusual) ingredients which vary based on the season/catch-of-the-day. I recommend the juice-pairing for the tasting menu which is also prepared locally (unlike the wines which are imported).

  • Jazz The Seal

    Jazz The Seal


    This was amazing. The atmosphere in there was incredible, the food was the best I have ever had (not exaggerating) and I would advise if your ever in the area to go there for a once in a life time restaurant experience. One thing I would change is to make it have 1 or 2 more chefs as the wait time when I went was a bit high but it was well worth wait!

  • David Aronchick

    David Aronchick


    One of the most amazing and unique experiences of my life. End to end, every element was creative and deeply thoughtful. Absolutely five stars.

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